Executive Communication
creating energy via clarity

Leadership, communication and motivation are words often used these days. Less often is it mentioned how
they arise from making relationships productive.

“Business is relationships” – Peter Drucker
proclaimed back in the 1960’s.
His idea is even more critical today as technology extends what is possible from creative dialogue. But to unlock that potential – on an individual and professional level – we need enhanced communication skills, especially negotiation skills.

Not just bargaining, but systemic use of
creative negotiation in order to bring into
focus what is possible and desirable through
agreement, regardless of the difficulty of
the problems at hand and
the people and institutions involved.

You are very welcome to our master class!


Tuesday – Friday, January 7 – 10, 2025

Emajõe Maja, Emajõe 8, Tartu, Estonia
Your investment 1640 € +VAT will pay off:
Key to success is self-confidence – you’ll
become a better leader, more convincing
communicator, which will lead to happier teams,
satisfied clients and partners around you.
More fun in your work – and life!
call: +372 51 30146 Marju Unt
write: marju@euroman.ee

January 7, Tuesday 10 -18,
January 8, Wednesday 10 -18,
January 9, Thursday 10 -18
January 10, Friday 10 -18

Special rates for NT International Master class

Hotel Antonius

Hotel Dorpat

Playing to Win:
Negotiation Technology international master class

A unique negotiation skills training programme in the
that empowers you, by giving a model to maximize
the outcomes from your communication and transforming
your negotiations into learning experiences. It goes far
beyond offering standard communication techniques.
Employing the latest expert thinking and research, the
course provides a strategic and psychological
framework – technology –
to use in negotiations and as
a self-assessment tool for ongoing learning.
This builds self-confidence and enables
more efficient and rewarding collaboration.
Everybody wants to be a member of a winning team.


Strategic 3-stage model of negotiations
• Understanding your role as a negotiator
• Typical mistakes which destroy co-operation
• Preparing for negotiations: key elements of plan
• Strategic thinking and expressing
• Criteria for decision-making
• Strategic stages and interim finishes

Model in practice:
• 7 mighty negotiating tools
• Agenda control and timing
• Gaining hidden information
• Power in negotiations

michaelmarjuMaster class is conducted by Michael Gallagherexperienced American lawyer and strategic thinker, founder of Estonian Law Foundation, former director of Tartu University Eurocollege, president of consulting company TakeFive, and Marju Unt, founder and CEO of Estonian Euromanagement Institute.

Techniques in negotiations
• Influencing techniques in difficult talks
• Body language
• Leading the game
• Creating dialogue and listening skills
• Using quiet and tough tactics
• Training the techniques
Erle Nõmm is internationally recognized communication trainer. With her help you will practice situations in negotiations to become more courageous, skilful and self-confident to lead the game in real life.

Dr. Ruth Oltjer, CEO, Chemi-Pharm; Chairman of the Board of University of Tartu; Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 Winner; Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur of the Year 2015 – Member of the Jury

From the Negotiation Technology I use planning daily – and effectively.
Before every negotiation I determine our minimum and maximum outcome. What is the absolute minimum, below which the cooperation will not make sense for us, and the maximum beyond which it would not make sense for the other party.

Negotiations may take an unexpected turn. We use our own sign system in our negotiations team: when the lead negotiator decides to change direction, then the other members do not get confused, but understand instantly and go along with the ride.