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    Palun vali kursus / Please choose your course
    – Läbirääkimiste tehnoloogia meistriklass– Negotiation Technology/Executive Communication Masterclass– Mart Saarma’s Masterclass– Kriisikompass– Sven Grünberg Juhi vägi üha kiiremas maailmas– Prof. Pulver Miks me vihkame?– Prof Pulver Armastuse ahelad– Läbirääkimiste jätkukursus. Konfliktsed ja keerulised läbirääkimised– Süst ja süsteem– Juhitool ja testament

    Palun sisesta kood:

    The essence of all successful entrepreneurial business development lies in ‘know who’ and the successful development of ‘trust based’ relationships. This demands a constant process of learning and education of all key stakeholders and external decision makers. The skills needed for this process are at the centre of this programme.

    An essential element in success is selecting who to deal with and who to learn from. The Estonian Euromanagement Institute is itself an examplar of successful development of key relationships over more than two decades.