Juht kui lavastaja – Kuldvilistlaste meistriklassid

Sel kevadel pakume oma vilistlastele meistriklasside seeriat kolme suurepärase professori juhendamisel.

Kui tihti Sa oled end tundnud kui lavastaja – kes algatab, vastutab ja peab alati sädet andma? Juhi töö inimestega on põnev kui lavastajatöö, mis kunagi selgeks ei saa… aga loomingulisi tehnikaid saab õppida, ja meie meistriklass ongi see koht.


Vaata meistriklasside infot siit 

Registreeru kursusele SIIT

Priit Anton, VP, Guardtime

What often happens: after the course is over, emotions fade and the course folder lies unopened in the drawer. This did not happen after Negotiations’ Technology!  I started using NT right away, and have done it daily – with growing joy.
Business is relationships (Peter Drucker). With NT we have grown our company in different ways.
First: in the market: from competition to collaboration.  If you are partnering – instead of competing and fighting for survival – both parties can grow from their strengths, become more prosperous. This frees time for thinking.
Second: inside the company: form dictatorship to diplomacy. Third: inside the family: I found surprisingly that parenting the teenager the NT skills came very handy.