Juht kui lavastaja – Kuldvilistlaste meistriklassid

Sel kevadel pakume oma vilistlastele meistriklasside seeriat kolme suurepärase professori juhendamisel.

Kui tihti Sa oled end tundnud kui lavastaja – kes algatab, vastutab ja peab alati sädet andma? Juhi töö inimestega on põnev kui lavastajatöö, mis kunagi selgeks ei saa… aga loomingulisi tehnikaid saab õppida, ja meie meistriklass ongi see koht.


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Registreeru kursusele SIIT

Ergo Neeme, CEO, Balti Veski

I like Steve Jobs’ quote: The journey is the reward.
To keep the journey moving with great energy, I daily use the Negotiation Technology lesson how to “wrap” a negative opinion or feedback into positive so that the other party would not freeze into defense. If you barely bring out the negative, then others will withdraw and sit in trenches… and there will be no journey!

My second daily habit from NT is strategic planning. If you have skills and courage to think clearly: what is the worst that might happen as an alternative to your plan A? – then further decision-making is much easier. Both, in professional and private life.