Dr. Ruth Oltjer, CEO, Chemi-Pharm; Chairman of the Board of University of Tartu; Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 Winner; Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur of the Year 2015 – Member of the Jury

aprill 12th, 2016   •   Dr. Ruth Oltjer, CEO, Chemi-Pharm; Chairman of the Board of University of Tartu; Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 Winner; Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur of the Year 2015 – Member of the Jury kommenteerimine on välja lülitatud   

From the Negotiation Technology I use planning daily – and effectively.
Before every negotiation I determine our minimum and maximum outcome. What is the absolute minimum, below which the cooperation will not make sense for us, and the maximum beyond which it would not make sense for the other party.

Negotiations may take an unexpected turn. We use our own sign system in our negotiations team: when the lead negotiator decides to change direction, then the other members do not get confused, but understand instantly and go along with the ride.

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Ats Alupere, CEO, Saksa Automaatika, Estonia

Negotiation Technology has sharpened my eyes about seeing the possibilities in situations where you normally would not dare to go. It has been particularly valuable when something has not gone the predicted way – like it sometimes happens even in the best-planned big projects! Fixing the errors, keeping relationships, not going into crisis… these are the real benefits, which have tremendous value.