Anja Rouhiainen, former General Manager, Enics Eesti

mai 3rd, 2016   •   Anja Rouhiainen, former General Manager, Enics Eesti kommenteerimine on välja lülitatud   

When working as General Manager in Enics Eesti, the company’s output, sales and personnel were growing fast. There was a lot of new persons as well as new international customers.

We decided to train our managers, engineers, specialists and team leaders. In Euroman we had programs of co-operation, negotiation, problem-solving, teamwork etc. We had many interesting discussions with Marju before and during the trainings. She was always most inspiring giving us visionary ideas. Her approach to training was energetic and full of development capacity. She kept participants very well in action. I do recommend the innovative and creative training programs of Euroman and Marju!

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Ats Alupere, CEO, Saksa Automaatika, Estonia

Negotiation Technology has sharpened my eyes about seeing the possibilities in situations where you normally would not dare to go. It has been particularly valuable when something has not gone the predicted way – like it sometimes happens even in the best-planned big projects! Fixing the errors, keeping relationships, not going into crisis… these are the real benefits, which have tremendous value.