Sigrid Kivimäe, Sales Manager, Siemens Healthcare

aprill 6th, 2016   •   Sigrid Kivimäe, Sales Manager, Siemens Healthcare kommenteerimine on välja lülitatud   

Women are not as self-confident as men – at least in business settings. We would like to do things in the right way. I have to confess, I was rather skeptical before the course. But the masterclass surprised me pleasantly: all of us, experienced leaders and managers, came out of our comfort zones.  At the Negotiation Technology course I really learned how to “read” my partners. This is a necessary precondition for the result – we both feel like winners when we raise from the negotiations’ table and shake hands.

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Ats Alupere, CEO, Saksa Automaatika, Estonia

Negotiation Technology has sharpened my eyes about seeing the possibilities in situations where you normally would not dare to go. It has been particularly valuable when something has not gone the predicted way – like it sometimes happens even in the best-planned big projects! Fixing the errors, keeping relationships, not going into crisis… these are the real benefits, which have tremendous value.