Prof. Reet Valgmaa

Õppekeskus Tõru

Erle Nõmm

Õppekeskus Tõru

Michael Gallagher


Prof. Aleksander Pulver

Tallinna Ülikool

Prof. Mart Saarma

Helsingi Ülikool

Prof. Andres Metspalu

Eesti Geenivaramu

Dr. Tiit Meren

Taastava Kirurgia Kliinik

Hardo Pajula

Ain Mäeots

Anu Lamp

Sven Grünberg

Marju Unt





Negotiation Technology has sharpened my eyes about seeing the possibilities in situations where you normally would not dare to go. It has been particularly valuable when something has not gone the predicted way – like it sometimes happens even in the best-planned big projects! Fixing the errors, keeping relationships, not going into crisis… these are the real benefits, which have tremendous value.