Best of prof. Pulver “Juht on juht on juht”


Läbi aastate on prof. Pulver meile näidanud juhi kui inimese dünaamikat: tasakaalu, stressi, õnne, lähisuhete, inimloomuse, oma tiimi inimeste arendamise kontekstis – mida saab muuta, kompenseerida ja mida ei saa? Seekord võtab ta meiega ette peaaegu võimatu, ent ülipõneva ülesande: vaadelda neid koos, omavahelistes seostes.

Unikaalne retk – 2 päevaga ring ümber inimese, või isegi vastupidi… tervik Euromanagementi varasematel (2001 – 2011) vilistlaskursustel käsitletud üksikosadest.



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Before coming to the Negotiation Technology course, I thought that I knew quite a lot about negotiations. And about relationships in life in general. – I was wrong! I realized that I knew a lot less than I thought.

Yes, the focus was negotiation skills. But the real value came to me at the end of the course: I realized that every situation in life, work, family etc – reflects my own inner balance. Surprisingly often we think we know, but actually do not know what we want: what is important and why.  Success in negotiations is not how well we bargain with the other party, but rather – how well we know what we really want, and why.