

Corporate Publishing

Ex legere intellegam eos, pri enim consetetur deterruisset an. Timeam minimum honestatis per ad, integre torqu atos sadipscing ius no.

Interactive onscreen production

Soluta platonem ei nam, ad meis ipsum congue mel, choro persecuti at has. Quas ludus admodum pri ne, no alia duis evertitur mea.


 Ubique ancillae appellantur cu per, possit perpe tua repudiare vix cu, eius inciderint scribentur ut eos. Nam an deleniti placerat petentium.




Before coming to the Negotiation Technology course, I thought that I knew quite a lot about negotiations. And about relationships in life in general. – I was wrong! I realized that I knew a lot less than I thought.

Yes, the focus was negotiation skills. But the real value came to me at the end of the course: I realized that every situation in life, work, family etc – reflects my own inner balance. Surprisingly often we think we know, but actually do not know what we want: what is important and why.  Success in negotiations is not how well we bargain with the other party, but rather – how well we know what we really want, and why.