Ruumide rent

Meie aadress Emajõe 8, Tartu, teenindusega ruumid

Jõeseminar  (10 – 20 inimest)     
Aiaseminar (10 – 15 inimest)    
Kogu maja (jõeseminar, aiaseminar, kaminasalong) 45 €/tund   
Rendihinnas: videoprojektor, markerid, pabertahvel. Puhkepäevadel on rent 50% kõrgem
Lõuna ja kohvipausid
1. Kohv, tee ja vesi 2, 5 €   
2. Kohv, tee, vesi, soolased ja magusad küpsised 3 €   
3. Kohv, tee, vesi, morss, soolased ja magusad küpsised 3, 5 €   
4. Kohv, tee, vesi, morss, magusad küpsised, puuviljavalik  4 €  
5. Kohv, tee, vesi, morss, võileib või pirukas 4, 5 €   
6. Hõrk soe lõuna, tellitud sisse vastavalt Teie soovile hind kokkuleppel  
Kõikidele hindadele lisandub käibemaks 20%    

Seminariruumide reserveerimiseks ja täpsustava info küsimiseks: 


tel: +372 51 30146


Priit Anton, VP, Guardtime

What often happens: after the course is over, emotions fade and the course folder lies unopened in the drawer. This did not happen after Negotiations’ Technology!  I started using NT right away, and have done it daily – with growing joy.
Business is relationships (Peter Drucker). With NT we have grown our company in different ways.
First: in the market: from competition to collaboration.  If you are partnering – instead of competing and fighting for survival – both parties can grow from their strengths, become more prosperous. This frees time for thinking.
Second: inside the company: form dictatorship to diplomacy. Third: inside the family: I found surprisingly that parenting the teenager the NT skills came very handy.