Prof. Reet Valgmaa

Õppekeskus Tõru

Erle Nõmm

Õppekeskus Tõru

Michael Gallagher


Prof. Aleksander Pulver

Tallinna Ülikool

Prof. Mart Saarma

Helsingi Ülikool

Prof. Andres Metspalu

Eesti Geenivaramu

Dr. Tiit Meren

Taastava Kirurgia Kliinik

Hardo Pajula

Ain Mäeots

Anu Lamp

Sven Grünberg

Marju Unt





Marko Saviauk, Founder and CEO, Leanest

Peace – the most important outcome of this course. Peace of mind both before and after negotiations, backed by the system, the calm view to the negotiations – whatever the result.

Negotition Technology has constructively freed my mind from hesitations and worries (which have taken up a lot of energy, and ultimately, time) – now I can use this time for something more pleasant.